Used machinery / Sell your machinery

Please kindly fill in the form by following the tips on the side.

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.



Additional notes

I authorise the processing of my personal data.

How to fill out the form

Area: (e.g. press)
machine type: (e.g.: offset press 1 color or guillotine or stitcher)
manufacturer: (e.g. Heidelberg)
model: (e.g. SM 74-4)
format: (es. 50x70; 115)
production year (at least approximately, if you do not now the exact year)
how many impressions / hours in operation and other data in accordance with the machine type

technical details with machine description (e.g. various accessories; if with lack unit with camera racla system or not; IR o UV dryer; perfecting how many and which position, Kind of roller UV or normal, etc.)
You may attach one or more photos at the same time zipped (maximum 10 mb)

additional notes:
whether in operation or dismantled,
any mechanical or electrical damage
any damages or repair on cylinders and gear
whether the machine will be supplied complete with all standard accessories like air pumps; plate bender etc.
availability (immediately or when it will be),
price expected.