Accessories included:- Stream feeder with suction belt - Electronic double sheet detection- Electromechanic double sheet detection- Electronic side lay control, fotoelectronic and akustic-
Olivermatic continuous dampening system with Technotrans's alcohol metering; cooling and re-circulation unit system-
SAS Sakurai sheet size preset-
SCC Center mounted on delivery with touch screen control and diagnosis; self diagnostic; Remote inking; dampening; axial, circumferential and diagonal register control; day light illuminator )- Programmable automatic blanket cylinders wash up- Programmable automatic impression cylinders wash up - Programmable automatic rollers wash up -
SPC (semi automatic plate loader)- Plate cocking (diagonal register control) - Powder sprayer- IR (Infra red) - Dryer- semi high pile delivery- Automatic sheet de-curler- Oil drip pan, Tools, Documentations- Complete with all standard parts and accessories