Macchine in vendita / Stampa / Offset a foglio / 5 colori / Roland R705 LV SW2 (2001)


Roland R705 LV SW2 (2001)

29946 b
70x100 - 5 colori - P3 (2+3)


MAN ROLAND 705 LV SW2 age 2001
Machine no. 29946 B
Total impression count 138 mio
Sheet-fed offset press - Printing units: 5 + lack unit
Perfecting 2-3/5-0
High pile delivery
Technical features: 
Speed 15.000 copie/h
Paper size max 740 x 1040 mm
Paper size  min 340 x 480 mm
Thickness 0,06-0,6 mm
Print size 715 x 1020 mm 
Plate size 785 x 1030 mm Thickness 0,30 mm
Blancket size 1045 x 790 mm Thickness 1,90 mm
Dimensions :
L. 13,00 mt.
P. 3,50 mt.
H.2,20 mt.
Power requirement Kw 00 approx
Weigh 49.350 Kg. circa
Accessories included:
- Steel plate on feeder
- Stream feeder with vacuum belts
- Preset (autom. paper size and thickness setting)
- Electronic double sheet detection 
- Electromechanic double sheet detection 
- Electronic side lay control, fotoelectronic and akustic 
- Anti-static on feeder and delivery 
RCI  machine control and diagnosis by monitor console /self diagnostic, control and monitor console; remote inking; dampening; axial, circumferential and diagonal register control with light pen; day light illuminator and memory card for job memories
ColorPilot D quality control
APL™ automated plate changing
- Rolandmatic continuous dampening system with alcohol metering; cooling and re-circulation unit system Technotrans Beta C 
Ink temperature control Technotrans
- Programmable automatic blanket cylinders wash up
- Programmable automatic impression cylinders wash up
- Programmable automatic rollers wash
- Chrome cylinders
AIRGLIDE Sheet travel
- Tower coater with TRESU chambered ductor blade and Anilox system (camera racle)
- Extended delivery
- Automatic sheet de-curler
- Powder sprayer 
IR dryer Seccomatic
- Steel plate on delivery 
- Tools, Documentations
- Complete with all standard parts and accessories
Availability: immediately
 Conditions: machine with no damages
        Visible: The machine is under power, test is possible, nearest airport is Milan, North Italy.


Condizioni buone
Nord Italia
EXW (Ex Works)
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